Sunday, August 22, 2021

PicoScope 7 Beta

Got PicoScope 7 beta running on my Arch Linux box. Pictured above connected to the clock and address bus of my Z80 microcomputer project. Took a little work to get the right packages built and installed.  Contact me if you want the packages I used.

Syntax Highlighting

 Testing out syntax highlighting:

public class Hello {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello world!");


Z80 microcomputer project continues

 Pictured above I have the Z80, a ROM chip, and a RAM chip all wired together.  The big chip not wired up is the Z80 DART.  Once I connect that I should be able to connect to the computer via a serial port and see if it is really running or not.

The design here is based on Grant Searle's design available here:

Only difference is I'm using an old school Z80 DART for the I/O instead of a 68B50 which Mouser didn't carry. I plan on using his ROM sources, but not sure yet if I have to make changes to the serial port addresses and rebuild it.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Z80 now running on the prototype board

Above you can see the PicoScope showing the clock up top on channel A and A0-A15 address lines on the digital channels at the bottom.

Here you can see the PicoScope connected to the prototype board.  Clock is run by a crystal connected to an inverter you can see as the smaller chip on the right side of the board.  The larger chip is the Z80 itself. The colorful ribbon is the connections from the address bus to the PicoScope's digital inputs.

And this is how I've verified that the CPU is running and attempting to call out to memory for a program to run. Next I need to hook up an EEPROM and some RAM.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Universal EPROM Programmer

 New toy for a new project.  Got a GQ-4x4 universal EPROM programmer.  Should work with just about any EPROM or EEPROM and some other types of ROM. Pictured above with a AT28C64B EEPROM.
I need it for my Z80 microcomputer project that may be inspiration for a badge idea. I'll use it to install programs on the ROM for a Z80 processor to boot from.

Monday, August 2, 2021

H@tivityCon 2021 CTF - Faucet Challenge Write-up

Contest: H@cktivityCon 2021 CTF Team: Uberfoo Heavy Industries Members: uberfoo, ErdősNeumann, Theory, madamorr, Ji3m Challenge: Faucet Ca...